Adobe Photoshop


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    Adobe Photoshop is the industry-standard tool for digital imaging, which makes Photoshop expertise a valuable commodity in the workplace. Learning Photoshop is also a good way to learn imaging concepts. Concepts you learn from working with Photoshop apply to other imaging tools as well (including Photoshop Elements, which has a very similar user interface and features).

    The purpose of this course is to introduce basic Photoshop features and concepts so that you can use the program effectively. By the time you complete this course, you should be able to use Photoshop to open files and import images, move around images using navigation tools, understand basic imaging concepts, do basic image editing and prepare images for print and online presentations.

    This course includes the following sections:
    • Getting Started (Photoshop desktop, getting images into Photoshop, moving around an image, tips for using Photoshop)
    • Imaging Concepts (color modes, image size, resolution, and print size)
    • Acquiring images (opening files and importing images into Photoshop)
    • Editing Images (cropping, removing imperfections, adjusting contrast, correcting colors, and sharpening images)
    • More Image Editing (selection techniques, layers, adding type.)
    • Exporting and printing (Saving for the Web, inserting images into presentations, printing)


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